Saturday, June 8, 2024

Heath Wood-rush (Luzula multiflora)

Family: Juncaceae

Common name: Heath Wood-rush

Scientific name: Luzula multiflora

Date taken: 26/5/2024

Notes: Compared with other Luzula species, key features to look for include - 

  1. Flowers in clusters, chestnut-brown in colour
  2. Plant with sparsely hairly normal flat leaves, but not as robust as that in Great Wood-rush (L. sylvatica)
  3. Plant not rhizomatous, anthers <3 times as long as filaments, which distinguishes it from Field Wood-rush (L. campestris), a smaller grassland specialist

Several subspecies have been recorded in the UK. The following population has reasonably wide leaves (>3mm) with flowers on several stalked clusters, so resembles ssp. multiflora

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