Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Yarrow
Scientific name: Achillea millefolium
Date taken: 28/8/2022
Notes: Very common in grasslands, wastelands, and gardens.
Family: Asteraceae
Common name: Yarrow
Scientific name: Achillea millefolium
Date taken: 28/8/2022
Notes: Very common in grasslands, wastelands, and gardens.
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Gypsywort
Scientific name: Lycopus europaeus
Date taken: 30/7/2022 (photos 4-5) and 28/8/2022 (photos 1-3)
Notes: Found in wet places and ditches. Leaves distinctive, deeply toothed to pinnately-lobed.
Family: Apiaceae
Common name: Sanicle
Scientific name: Sanicula europaea
Date taken: 12/06/2021
Notes: Understory herb found in mature woodlands.
Family: Rosaceae
Common name: Blackthorn, Sloe
Scientific name: Prunus spinosa
Date taken: 10/07/2022
Notes: Spiny shrub or small tree. Fruits used to make sloe gin.
Family: Convolvulaceae
Common name: Field Bindweed
Scientific name: Convolvulus arvensis
Date taken: 10/07/2022
Notes: Smaller than the Hedge Bindweed (Calystegia sepium) and Large Bindweed (Calystegia silvatica). Arrow shaped leaves. Flowers do not possess a pair of epicalyx.
Family: Chenopodiaceae / Amaranthaceae (s. l.)(APG)
Common name: Sea-purslane
Scientific name: Atriplex portulacoides
Date taken: 23/07/2022
Notes: With opposite whitish-mealy leaves. Secondary veins inconspicuous. This population was found on sand dunes.
Family: Scrophulariaceae / Plantaginaceae (APG)
Common name: Brooklime
Scientific name: Veronica beccabunga
Date taken: 12/06/2021
Notes: Fairly large and upright plant by Veronica standards. Characterised by its hairless leaves and stems. Wetland plant mainly found in ditches and ponds.
Family: Gentianaceae
Common name: Common Centaury
Scientific name: Centaurium erythraea
Date taken: 10/7/2022
Notes: Leaves elliptic and not parallel-sided. Corolla pink. Flowers unstalked.
Family: Orchidaceae
Common name: Pyramidal orchid
Scientific name: Anacamptis pyramidalis
Date taken: 27/6/2021
Family: Lamiaceae
Common name: Water mint
Scientific name: Mentha aquatica
Date taken: 10/7/2022
Notes: Leaves very fragrant when crushed.
Family: Gentianaceae
Common name: Yellow-wort
Scientific name: Blackstonia perfoliata
Date taken: 10/7/2022
Family: Dipsacaceae / Caprifoliaceae (APG)
Common name: Wild teasel
Scientific name: Dipsacus fullonum
Date taken: 10/7/2022